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What Makes our Elderberry Products Different?

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

Often times when I see people that are sick looking for suggestions for where to buy elderberry syrup I see the recommendation of “Walmart” or other big companies and I cringe. The fact is, that most people don’t know the benefits of buying homemade elderberry syrup so they choose the convenience of the brand name companies on the shelves at the store. I would like to explain some of these benefits of our homemade elderberry syrup vs. store-bought, but first I’d like to address this: everyone makes their syrup differently, so some of the information below does NOT apply to all homemade elderberry syrup, this is specifically based off of the way we make ours.

  1. Whole, natural ingredients. When making our elderberry syrup we use filtered water, whole elderberries, ginger, clove, cinnamon, echinacea, filtered water, and raw honey. The main factor: We use our very own homegrown, fresh elderberries that are organic and pesticide-free. Knowing your source of elderberries is very important! Knowing your source of water is also important. We use water that is filtered through our Berkey water filter which contains black carbon filters & fluoride filters. This water system filters out viruses, inorganic minerals, pathogenic bacteria, heavy metals, trihalomethanes, micro-organisms, pharmaceutical drug contaminates, pesticides, arsenic, and fluoride, and it is not stored in a toxic plastic container. It is important to be aware of water quality because it could affect the overall product quality. Lastly, some store bought syrups contain dyes, sugars, artificial flavors, additives, etc. You honestly can’t always be sure what exactly is used in their syrups.

  2. Raw honey. This is one of the key components to why I would choose homemade over store bought syrup any day. Honey is great because it naturally sweetens the product but it also plays a huge role in helping you heal and build your immune system if you have good, quality honey. Most of the time the store bought products use corn syrup/glucose syrup just to thicken and sweeten the product in place of actual honey. It is best to use honey that is raw, and local to you so that it contains your local pollination and allergens. Manuka honey is also a good option because it has many health benefits to it as well.

  3. Affordable. Our syrup is less expensive than what you find in the stores. I had someone tell me the other day that they bought 4 fluid ounces from the store for $15. That is crazy to me because I sell 8 fluid ounces for $15, so you’d get twice as much for a much better quality by choosing ours.

  4. Fresh with NO preservatives. In order for the store bought syrups to maintain a shelf-life some contain different types of preservatives. These products are also shipped around, so there is no telling how long they have been sitting, how many temperature changes they have endured, and what types of warehouses they have been stored in. When you buy our homemade syrup it is made fresh to order and has no preservatives, hence the reason why it has to stay refrigerated and frozen after a certain period of time. Add on benefit here: Homemade is stored in glass rather than a toxic plastic that slowly contaminates the product. Additional note: This year we have started canning our syrup to make it shelf-stable and available in select stores. No preservatives are added, so you must refrigerate after opening your jar.

  5. Shopping local. Whenever you buy our products you are supporting our family and giving back to the community. Every purchase truly makes a difference.

  6. Education & safety. We have been making elderberry syrup for over 5 years. After a lot of trial and error we have perfected our unique recipe to offer the best taste while also offering many health benefits. It is also very important to be educated about elderberries because most don’t know that unripe berries, leaves, and stems can be poisonous (even the dried elderberries). We make sure to provide the best berries and accurate cooking times and methods to assure good quality syrup.

Thank you all for trusting us to make your best quality elderberry syrup. It truly means so much to us and it is our honor to serve you.

Here is a photo of some of our 2020 berries. These are not fully ripe yet but they will be soon.

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