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Hello everyone,

My name is Taylor Hancock and I originally created Hancock Homestead Co. to serve the community elderberry syrup. My goal now, is to do so much more than that. I have slowly started adding other natural products and healthy alternatives. Along with being able to provide great products, I also love to share tips with you all that support healthy lifestyles, immune systems, and holistic health. I am so glad you have found my page and I hope you stick around to see and learn more.

Business aside, this is who I am: I have an Associates degree in Applied Science for Health Information Management. I have a husband and two children. I am a huge animal lover! Photography and crafting are some hobbies of mine. Our family loves to garden, hunt, and fish together. Sports are incorporated into our lives year round. Our favorite place to be is outdoors. Other than all of that, I have a strong passion for holistic health, building the immune system, fitness, and a natural lifestyle, as you all probably know by now.

I often receive the questions, “what made you want to start this business?” and “why did you decide to switch over to the more ‘natural path’?” Well it definitely didn’t happen over night, and it also didn’t happen all at once. When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I immediately started researching EVERYTHING. Sometimes when new moms are “nesting” they clean and organize like crazy, well my nesting was endless hours of research. The more I learned, the more I knew I needed to do better for my family and make some major changes.

Not only did the research open my eyes, but during my pregnancy I experienced some changes in myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. I know what you’re thinking, “every woman experiences those changes during pregnancy”. Well, yes and no. I was definitely going through the normal pregnancy evolution, but I was also going through a whole lot more at the same time. I won’t go into all of the details, but I’ll just say it ended in trauma & illness. After I had my daughter it took me a while to realize and accept that I was ill-physically and mentally. Once I understood what was happening I immediately started searching for answers and help, and then I started working on healing myself.

Fast forward, 5 and a half years later, I am still actively working on healing myself. It has been a roller coaster, but man has it been worth it! I am no where near as ill as I was before, my lifestyle is completely different, and I am finally able to say that I feel good and happy. Anyways, I am telling you all this because this is part of my reason why I started this business. If I can help at least one person heal from illness, my purpose will be fulfilled. If I can show at least one person that there is still hope and to hang in there, my purpose will be fulfilled. I believe that everything I went through and have overcome wasn’t for nothing. My purpose is to help others, because I feel like that is what I am called to do.

The purpose of this post isn’t just to paint you all a picture of myself and my family, but to use that picture to represent our brand as a whole. What you put on and in your body is very crucial, so I believe it is very important to trust where/who you receive your products from. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve your families, and thank you for supporting mine in the process.

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